Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Tags: metformin

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I had really really hoped I wouldn't need to take Metformin again. I knew it was more-than-likely that I would have to, but a girl can wish. Right? I suppose that wishing was part of what took me so long to decide to restart it. I have been dealing with the hairloss and acne for a long while now and ... William M. Abbott, MD Bernard Zinman, MD Disclosures Introduction There is little question that obesity and type 2 diabetes are closely linked. Indeed, one can safely say that the current obesity epidemic is the principal driver of the rapidly increasing prevalence of diabetes around the world. Obes ... and peptic ulcer disease. Other categories of drugs that can lead to low vitamin B12 include: diabetes medication (Metformin), antibiotics (Neomycin), anticancer medications (Methotrexate), anticonvulsants (Dilantin or phenytoin, Mysoline or primidone, Friday Zoe had her first experience with time out. It was all I could do to keep from laughing — she kept putting a rock in her mouth and rather than take it away, I was trying to teach her not to put it in her mouth, that it is wrong. So…she put the rock in her mouth, and I put her in time out. She ...


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